Electric Forklift Reviews

by / Thursday, 14 November 2013 / Published in Reviews

Best Electric Forklifts

Although it may seem like an electric forklift is a fairly straightforward product to purchase for your business, there are a few important features to take into consideration before you buy. Different forklift models have unique features and capabilities, so it is essential to do your research and specifically pair your forklift choice to your business needs.

One of the first purchase points to take into consideration when purchasing an electric lift truck is the quality of the tires. This is something that many business owners overlook, but the right tires on an electric forklift can make a world of difference:

  • Cushion Tires: These tires are constructed from solid rubber and work best indoors.
  • Pneumatic Tires: These tires are inflated with compressed air, and while they are more expensive than cushion tires, they are best for outdoor work.
  • Solid Pneumatic Tires: These tires are ideal for outdoor jobsites that are unstable, increasing the risk that regular pneumatic tires will pop. These tires are best used at recycling centers or lumberyards where a truck is prone to run over nails or glass.

Electric Forklift Load Weight and Size

The next step in your purchase decision is to determine the weight and size of your typical lift truck loads. Each forklift will be rated by how much weight that it can carry, beginning with 3000 pounds and moving up to 35,000 pounds or more. The majority of models will range from 3000 to 8000 pounds, with 5000 pounds being an average in the industry. The size of your typical workload will determine what capacity lift truck that you need for your business.

The capacity of your lift truck is often based upon the “load center,” which is 24 inches in diameter. If you commonly lift very tall or long loads, an electric forklift may not be able to safely lift as much weight at one time. It’s important to determine your average dimensions and load weight before you are ready to shop for lift trucks.

New vs. Used Electric Forklifts

The last step in making your purchase decision is to determine if you are better off buying new or used when it comes to an electric lift truck. If you do decide to purchase used, it could save you money initially, especially if you are purchasing in bulk.

However, it is so imperative to make certain that any used vehicle that you purchase is in the best refurbished condition and also comes with a warranty. If not, you can expect to spend much more money on repairs and upkeep, and you may also leave yourself at risk for workplace accidents if the forklift is in poor condition.

If you are using a forklift for just a few hours each day, a used electric forklift may be a better choice. Nonetheless, if you anticipate using your forklift often on your jobsite, it may be wise to invest in a full priced vehicle.