About Toyota | Toyota for sale Chicago

When looking for forklifts for sale in Chicago, look no further than Toyota. Toyota forklifts are rated the best in the world. They are the industry standard by many accounts. Some of the accomplishments that they achieved in 2013 were being named the Green Supply Chain Partner for Inbound Logistics, they were also ranked No. 1 for lowest cost of ownership and highest quality and value. Toyota forklifts were also ranked safest in Material Handling Survey.

What are some of the qualities that make Toyota Industrial Equipment the best in the world? Toyota forklifts are built with an internal AC Power System that recovers energy by three forms of regenerative braking; foot braking, coast control, and plug braking. With coast control, the AC drive motors act as generators that supply energy back to the battery. The resistances inside of the motors during this condition act as a brake-assist, slowing the forklift down while improving the life of the brakes. Some of the other features in Toyota’s AC Powered forklifts are; momentary hold/controlled descent, power keep functions, and automatic shutoffs. Toyota was the first forklift manufacturer to implement AC technology in the United States, ever since they’ve continued to lead the industry in technological innovation. Toyota’s been working on a line of environmentally friendly vehicles that can be recycled including the industry’s first fuel cell lift truck. Toyota continues to excel every year in breaking ground with new technology, innovating past technology, all the while doing it with having the best standards of safety in the industry.

What are some of the uses for forklifts? Forklifts can be used on construction sites. One of their uses on a construction site would be to transport heavy material over long distances and rough working conditions. Forklifts take place of back breaking labor, such as unloading pallets of bricks manually, and then having to carry them. With having a forklift handy, it eases the stress on the body and allows workers to be able to do strenuous activities in easier ways, keeping them in work. Forklifts are also used in warehouses, recycling operations, dockyards, and as snowplows. In warehouses, recycling operations, and dockyards they’re used for unloading and stacking goods in a variety of ways. Business owners who own Toyota forklifts can buy snowplow attachments, reducing their costs by not having to hire a plow driver.

While shopping around for forklifts for sale in the Chicago area, it would be best to find a manufacturer of Toyota forklifts. They are rated the best in the world and their quality cannot be matched. Chicago Lift Equipment is located in the Windy City, so if you’re looking for quality equipment from a great company, look no further. Their number is 331-645-0000.